I'm finally typing another post! To all my blog-faithful, I apologise that it's been almost a week since I last updated my blog. Many things have happened to me since... some good, others bad. I'll put them down in a list below to make it easier for y'all to follow these train of events.
1. I passed the 1st sem of med school! =D Unfortunately, they don't have a grade higher than PGO (which stands for "Pass Grade Only"), so I am not sure how I actually fared. Anyway, I know I have to work harder this semester, but I'm still going to try and maintain a balanced, rounded-out life. :D
2. I managed to install games, internet applications and other apps I find useful on my iPhone, and also got it to do amazing and wonderful things! This "smartphone" is really smart, useful, amazing, fun, and INDISPENSABLE!! Love my baby to bits!!
3. My first ever paintball experience was a bit of a mix. The good thing: I had fun, fun and more fun! Here are juz some of the pics Steven took. There are more, all you have to do is click on this webby.
Someone suggested we call ourselves Team Kamikaze
I suggest we only use it for name's sake
Each gun has the letter "G" on it, you put two together and what do you get? Yeap, that's right! *winks with an evil grin*
4. The bad (or sad) thing: I was shot in the neck area, which caused the skin around my Adam's apple to tear a little, bleed and undergo necrosis (can't remember the term Tak Yee used with respect to the exact location). Oh and if the gluteus maximus is the anterior, I also got shot in the posterior region of that area. Ouch! :(
5. Worst part of this week (I hope), is that due to my carelessness, I accidentally crushed the 2nd digit of my left hand between my car door. Don't ask me where, when, or why; juz know that it DID happen and that it hurts really badly, even now as I am typing this (another reason why I did not update my blog before this). Had to see a GP after that who diagnosed it as a subungual hematoma (sorry for the excessive use of medical jargon, but this is a medical student's blog, get used to it :P). It's bad enough that I am forced to do EVERYTHING with only 9 fingers (5 to be more precise since no one actually uses the last two digits on either hand), I also have to suffer from an unsightly blue fingernail bed that turns heads. I'm even thinking of painting ALL my fingernails the same colour! :) Kidding, it's juz a thought!
Aite, think that's about it for now folks. I know this is an unusually short post by my standards, but I think I've justified myself enough earlier on. Juz pray for me, in particular, that my finger and neck would have a speedy recovery. When it does, I promise you'll see more interesting, amazing, mind-boggling, tummy-tickling stuff here. Till the next post, toodles!! Blessings!!
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