Monday, December 15, 2008

Those days in KL were... wait for it... AWESOME!! (Pt 1)

For those who watch and follow the HIMYM TV series, you'll understand what my blog post title is referring to... (winks especially at Rachel, Adnan & Nick). For those still clueless or reading it again and again with puzzled faces, HIMYM stands for 'How I Met Your Mother', a really cool comedy series revolving around its star, Ted Mosby, narrating to his 2 adolescent kids about... simply how he met their mother! The show has been running for 4 seasons now, and like Rachel said, when you reminisce, it is somewhat like Friends. The tagline reads 'A Love Story, in Reverse'. How true! Some folks might detest the show saying that it is too liberal in its values and the culture depicted is too "Americanised", unlike our traditional Asian culture. However, I believe that as long as you know where the boundaries and limits are, it's still A-O.K. to watch it!

Newae, this post series will play its purpose in updating u guyz about wat's been happening to and around me during these past few weeks/months. Life's been good, pretty much repetitive in some aspects, but nevertheless bearable and if I choose to see it in a positive light, fun! For those that are unaware, I am FINALLY back in my hometown after what I would call a brief 'post-exam holiday' in KL, before packin my bags and driving down 360 km a.k.a. 4-hour drive @ 110-120 km/h.

Let's see... While I was still in KL, there was this outing where Jun Yet, Rachel & I decided to visit The Mines. Both of 'em wanted to check out a Mandarin book fair and asked me to tag along.. even though I don't read Mandarin! But being the good friend I am, I decided to accompany them. Picked up Rachel in the morning, went to uni for a briefing, then both of us left for the Mines. A while later, JY showed up. We headed for the book fair and then spent a couple of hours there, which thankfully had an English section by MPH, kudos to them...

The pic below is one which I took showing the beautiful layout and design of the mall. Newae, it's been ages since I actually came here. Probably a decade, but to me, that's half my lifetime!

We went for lunch after walkin around the mall and feelin hungry. It was at this unique shop that specialised in teas. The food there was juz o.k., according to my high standards I have for food. I think the tea was better, not juz taste-wise, but also aroma-wise which was both scintillating and pleasant at the same time.

After lunch, we hunted around for dessert, or anything to arouse our already-aroused tastebuds even further. We probably encircled the moat you saw in the first picture once or twice, when JY (I think) pointed out to a stall called 'Snowy' which sells a variety of delicacies such as ice cream, ABC, fruits, etc. After much contemplating on what to order, we finally decided to have 2 bowls of iced fruits.

Thus, this concludes the first part of this post series. Who knows what I'm gonna write about in the next part. Newaez, gonna go for dinner at TGIF with family & friends now. I can actually hear my stomach grumbling amidst the loud Hillsong United music being blasted by my subwoofers back here at home. Haha, juz kidding, that was a little too exaggerated. Anyhow, until the next post from me, stay cool and God bless you all!


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